Did you know?


Did you know, O Readers, that we are currently running a faboo Kickstarter campaign to gather funds for printing GREETING CARDS with the TRIXIEPIX logo on them? Yes, indeed we are — and it is going very well. In two-point-five weeks we are at 58% of the campaign goal. If you haven’t seen our links and prompts on Facebook or Pinterest yet, please let us guide you from this very post to VIEW, COMMENT, and VOTE ON images — you don’t even have to sponsor the project to do this! Your input will help us to select the twelve grooviest TEA images and 12 to 18 stupendous flower images to print in the first run. CAMPAIGN RUNS THROUGH EASTER SUNDAY, 05 April 2015, 11:55 PT.

To see the Kickstarter page… https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1401500222/trixiepix-greeting-cards-with-logo

To see the images on Facebook:
TEA —> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152716783226398.1073741827.61373046397&type=3

and FLOWERS —> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152716772191398.1073741826.61373046397&type=3

Pinterest —> https://www.pinterest.com/trixieteamaiden/trixiepix-greeting-card-kickstarter-project-floral/

THANK YOU for taking a look and posting comments in FB or Pinterest or here!
~ Trixie